Wednesday, December 31, 2008
An Opportunity Awakes! (a new band!?)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Nicole Lynne (Where Have You Been?)
- I've been listening to the La Dispute album obsessively for the past 3 days and can't stop.
- I got my hair cut today by this little mexican lady who gives really good head massages.
- I've been missing Nikki like crazy but she comes homes tomorrow and we're gonna ring in the new year together :)
- I got new Levi jeans that are dyed brown-not sure how i feel about them...
- I'm reading three books right now "Of Mice and Men", "The Ishbane Conspiracy", and "Jesus Wants To Save Christians"
- I bought The Price Is Right and Uno for my iTouch last night and stayed up 'til 2 playing them (bad move)
- I wish Desaparcidos was still a band
- I finished writing lyrics to a new AC song last night. It's titled "Dig Your Own Grave"
- I feel GOOD.
Monday, December 29, 2008
24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'
29"Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by man's design and skill. 30In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead." [NIV]
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tired of being the same.
Tired of fading in.
Tired of sticking out.
I want to be different, but don't know how.
It's never as easy as it seems.
Although that's what I'm told.
I'm so young wishing I was so old.
Feeling stuck and trapped with no where to go.
Wishing I had a place to call my own.
It seems like I never get things right.
It seems like I always complain.
I have no clue what I'm doing.
Where I'm going.
What I want.
I love my family.
I love my friends.
I love my God.
I have a home.
Parnets who care.
Siblings who care.
An amazing girl friend who's always there.
A church that supports.
A talent I can own.
A life that's well worth living.
I want to stick out.
I want to be different.
I want to be tired.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
in my mind
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Triple Bi-Pass
Pardon My Persistence
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Surplus
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
On Sunday the pastor told a story of how he was out at the movies and heard these girls talking about the nastiest things and the terrible language they used. What if that had been me?
I would have felt terrible. So, then I ask myself again, What makes me different?
I'm supposed to be, right? the Bible says that if Christ lives in you others will trip over you like a cornerstone, meaning that you won't fit in with them. So what makes me the cornerstone? The block that doesn't fit? I'm working on it. I don't want to fit.
He also talked about how Christians seem to not realize that once you're saved Jesus is in you. If we truly believed that we wouldn't do half the things we do. He said "It's like inviting Jesus with you to sin." he's right.
I know not everyone who reads this is a Christian, but i have to write these things. It's ventilation.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I Hate to Say I Told You So...
I Hate to Say I Told You So...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
one in particular--the Doctors.
It's actually on right now, and this episode is all about changing your body to get rid of your insecurities. Which is nice that they won't be insecure anymore, but why were they in the first place? they're all beautiful people, and I can't even see what wrong with them. This one girl had some of her gums removed because she thought her teeth were too small. Another got surgery so that she'd be taller because she though she was too short...
I don't get why people can't just except themselves...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Kanye Gets an F
So this morning I went and bought the new Kanye album. Listened to it. And now I am utterly confused. It seems like in his attempt to "re-define" music, he lost his taste. I was expecting to hear a little bit of Lockdown in every song but instead you get this weird cross over between T-Pain and Hellogoodbye. I think he's got good motives, but he definitely missed the mark.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Went over to Nikki's and we found a bunch of new stuff we can do that doesn't involve electronics.
We made art out of construction paper, made a picture frame, and did splatter painting and graffiti/stencil art.
Pretty much the coolest ever!
Friday we're gonna start reading a new book together. Last one we read was "Tuesdays with Morrie"
This time were reading "Jesus wants to save Christians" by Rob Bell.
Doing new things is fun.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Home-Where I Wanted To Go-Home
It feels really good to see my sister again! We started to become best friends right when she had to leave so it's great to catch back up. Today we're goin to hangout at her shcool and then to Hunnington beach. It's gonna be awesome!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Jump On The Bandwaggon!
If yo enjoy sarcasm and intellegent humor, you will love it to.
you can subscribe on iTunes fo' free! it's awesome.
Dec.4th! Manchester Orchestra! So frickin excited, and it better be good cuz we dropped out of BHS BOTB to go, so...better be good.
Coldplay's new EP comes out Nov.25th which is going to be awesome! they're phenominal.
Thursday I leave for Californiaaaa (here we come!)--that's a Phantom Planet refference--I can't wait to see Bethany and my relatives out there. And In'N'Out is always a plus ;)
school is overwhelming, once agan, and it's driving me crazy....but life goes on.
We All Deserve Something
in the end
where you go is where you're gonna stay
so I wanna know, if i am saved.
Am I saved? Am I saved?
Where I'm going's where I'm gonna stay
Am I saved? Am I saved?
Because I'm tired,
of living, this way....
totally inspired by the end of "I Can Barely Beathe"
by Manchester Orchestra
Monday, November 10, 2008
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
I really can't stand thanksgiving though. Not because I'm not thankful for things but because all you do is sit at home, and aren't aloud to go anywhere just because your mother is making dinner that won't be served until 7 o'clock. And I know that it's a day of thanks, but who the heck sits around all day just being thankful for everything!? Any who, Bring on the winter, cause I'm pumped this year!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Moving On
If we keep trying to debate it, we'll get no where and it will only make things worse. I am dissapointed that he will be my president, but bottom line is, He is. So I'll respect him and pray for him, and more importantly, pray for the people of this country.
I myself am still tempted to make remarks about Obama, but that's just because I'm a sore loser. But please, just stop disbuting what's done with and move on.
on an unrelated note-please take the time to listen to the band Why? they're awesome.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's Not So Much...
For those of you who voted for him, hey atleast you voted. and congratulations, you won. But I hope you did the right thing...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Where's The Line?
"It’s easy to hear this voice
It’s easy to turn it off
It's easy to make this choice
It's easy to turn yourself off "-Showbread
Open Up Your Eyes
Chris Martin is one the best showmen I've ever seen perform and he had great add-libbing skills. For instance is the song Politic, he says "Give me us, don't give me them, Give me Kid Rock and Eminem" or in God Put a Smile on Your Face, he says "I've gotta say, I'm on my way, to mo-town" hahaha. It was great.
For those who are not too fond of Coldplay, that's alright, it's your loss ;) But the coolest thing about their live performance is that they really do they're best to make everyone feel a part of something, and that's pretty hard to do when there's 1500+ people, but they accomplish it. I suggest you open up your eyes, and your mind and take a good listen. I think you'll come around.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Things are looking up for me
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Bottom Line.
This nation was built on Christian priciples wether you like it or not.
And our forefathers want it to stay that way. It's the way it was intended to be!
Thefore, we need a leader who values life and values morals.
The reason for someone to not value life is because of a lack of morals.
A ton of people argue that an issue like abortion should not lead you to decide how to vote, but I say, of course it is! It's a human life, a future american! a child. I would never in a million years, for any reason under the sun, wish to have a leader who was not going to value that life.
Now I know, you're probablly all like "shut up! you know nothing you're only 15...blah blah blah..." Well, that's rediculous. As an american citizen I have the right to have an opinion, and you can take my word for it, I know a ton of about I'm talking about. Not to sound condesending, but probablly a lot more than some kids our age. I know that I can't vote, but I can't help but be passionate about it. It's my life that these men will be affecting!
I just pray to God, that we elect a leader who has value of life. And if the wrong person gets elected than let God's will be done. Our days are running short and I'm ready to go home.
In My Opinion
Music's fails when there's no passion in it. Sing about something real. Something that's got meaning and relates to life today.
- Bright Eyes
- Manchester Orchestra
- Brandnew (devil and God are raging inside of me brandnew)
- Brandi Carlile
- Coulour Revolt
- Spoon
- Johnny Cash
and when you do, listen to her cover of Halleluja by Jeff Buckley.
Oh! and here's some more of my feelings in song form:
That's not passion if it's got no soul
when I wake up in the morning, shaking and cold
before my feet hit the floor I have more passion in my breath
than you've ever put into a song, and I suggest
you find a new way to do it, cause i might not stay
but leaving sounds just way too easy.
There's a bullet in the gun.
can we be forgiven if we ask?
I'll pull the peices together
and we'll finish our task.
Because I started all of this
and I will end it too.
Dear God give me the stength
and tell me what to do.
And so it is.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I Want to See It
Been listening to a lot of Colour Revolt latley. Most likely you'll see influences in our new stuff. If you don't have their new album, go get it. It's way better than Copeland!
Friday, October 24, 2008
A Vacation
black and white pigments in your skin
shows me you've been cheating
not on me but in the game we're in.
I had a dream I killed your family
there blood was black and white
No pigment in my skin
showed me something wasn't right
So give me a technicolor dream
a beam of hope, a light to see
your georgeous green eyes
another reason to believe
in black and white
It's not perfect, but I sleep just fine.
And I had a dream you killed my family
there blood; the darkest red.
the pigment in my skin; the color that I dread
shows me something isn't right
but that may just be fine.
It's not perfect, but I sleep alright.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
- School 9:00 - 2:00
- Drum Lesson 2:00 - 3:00
- iPod Appointment 4:00 - 4:30
- Nikki's House 5:00-10:00
It feels good to do something for once. Today's going to be productive, I can feel it in the air.
by the way! I got the Manchester Orchestra EP/DVD last night and I reccomend everyone go get! I got mine from Record Time in Roseville. I'm in love.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sympathy for the Martyr
Taliban gunmen kill Christian aid worker in Kabul (AP)
AP - Taliban gunmen killed a Christian aid worker in Kabul as she was walking to work on Monday, and the militant group said it targeted the woman because she was spreading her religion.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Stop! Take Some Time To Think!
Today however, is not my day. I'm doing school, Nikki can't hangout and I just spilled Arizona Green Tea all down the front of me. shoot me.
Friday, October 17, 2008
- Parachutes by Coldplay
- Gimme Fiction by Spoon
- HOME Vol. 4 by Bright Eyes & Spoon
- Digital Ash in a Digital Urn by Bright Eyes
- Brother, Sister by mewithoutYou
Some other great albums to listen to:
- First Came the Law by Once Nothing
- Hope For the Best But Prepare for the Worst by Saints Never Surrender
- I'm Like a Virgin Losing a Child by Manchester Orchestra
- First Impressions of Earth by The Strokes
I had the wonderful opportunity to finally see my all time favorite band earlier this month, Showbread. All you haters out there can shove it! And the leaves are falling off the trees which is sad in some kind of metaphoric/symbolic way...but it's still a pretty sight.
I recommend reading Save Me From Myself by Brian "Head" Welch, the ex-guitarist of Korn. It's basically about how he went from demented to redeemed. Excellent story and an awesome testimony.
Someone tell me why I feel so down
I got nothing to lose and nothing to prove
just a broken heart and a hole in my shoe
write me a song of hope
that allows me to belong
and we can all be Friends and we'll all sing
alongoh tell me how to feel
show me something real.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Your lips tremble at the very thought.
You say we're in it together.
But the truth is that we're not,
and I think you know.
I think you know.
I have a burning passion,
to paint a picture and call it my own.
My very heart and soul
poured out in ink for you.
sign my name and press my thumb print
no one else will have the same.
But you have your agenda
and no one can play your game
because you always win,
you always win.
This never was what I want,
Disrespect and a shaking hand.
Just replace me, it's just that easy.
so I can go my seperate ways
and I think I'll change,
I think I'll change.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I made a huge breakfast. Bacon, Eggs, and Waffles.
It was probablly the best thing to ever happen to
Yesterday Nikki and I had a mini Office Marathon. Best show ever.
My sister just recently turned 21 and yesterday I discovered a half empty
bottle of Sky Vodka in the freezer....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I Can Feel A Hot One!

December 4th seems so far away. Go listen to them,
Friday, October 10, 2008
Have We Lost Our Minds?
it's the whole damn world turned inside out, alright.
-Kevin Devine
It's 12:06 and instead of doing school I'm blogging,
and I'm about to go shower.
Home school life is so tough....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
If only I could...
my own words, my own songs.
i guess we can't always get what we want...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Eagle Eye

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Stranger with the Door Key-Explaining I'm Just Visiting.
- Postal Service- Give Up
- Death Cab For Cutie- Plans
- Death Cab For Cutie- Narrow Stairs
- Watashi Wa- Eager Seas
- Copeland- Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Ahhhh, Michigan!
Either way, Pilgrim hat or no Pilgrim hat, it was still cool.
Friday, September 26, 2008
They Stripped Me of My Wisdom!

Monday, September 22, 2008
I Know It's Nieve But...
ahhh, well that felt good. sorry for the rant.
Any who, Last night was awesome! I went to go see my friend Wes Black play in his new band Saints Never Surrender, and I think I am becoming an avid fan of hardcore punk! The drums were so powerful and the vocals had so much energy. Check them out!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Falling Behind

Friday, September 12, 2008
A Note to Bethany
Melissa and I are getting a long really well. Way better than I thought we would. But since she works and has school there's not too much time for us to just chill. But it's still cool.
Church is going good too! I love having youth group in the gym! the sound is awesome, the atmosphere is better, and the stage is awesome! I'm like three feet above everyone! I feel like royalty! or close to it at least. There is however, this kind of empty space of energy since you seniors left. It's weird how three or four loud girls make things seem more energetic. I wonder why that is? (haha)
Mammy and Papa should be moving soon, or at least have a house to move into soon. In fact, Mom and Mammy are out house hunting right now! when you come home for Christmas they'll defiantly be gone.
We've been good and we're going to keep your room the same! i actually decided I don't want it anymore. Especially since we're going to have the basement to put my drums in, it won't really matter.
It's good to see that you're having so much fun in California. I hope your not out getting wasted and smoking doobies with your 'too cool for school' Californian friends...yeah I know what goes on ;]
I can't wait to come see you in November with dad! we're defiantly going to chill! I love you, and I hope you're loving the new life!
If You Don't Already Have It...

Let It Rain, Let It Pour.

Recently I have been inspired by a friend to think even more out of the box than usual. I've always been a free spirit and a free thinker, but I've really been trying to see things from all different agles. I hate to bring up politics but that's espeacially one thing I've been looking at differently. I Hope it lasts...
Even though I would love to spend the rest of my day outside walking with Nikki ( girlfriend/best friend) I am stuck doing 6 hours of algebra! which is ever so exciting....
But you got to do what you got to do.