Friday, March 27, 2009


Just chillin at Jeremy's right now. 
Ultra paranoid though because him and his mom just got over the stomach flu. I've been drinking Emergen-C like crazy. Hopefully it pays off. 
Tonight's show went surprisingly well. The fenton crowd is dope.
Now I have to sleep in a flu infested room. yayy.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I had the pleasure of hearing the new demo from SNS, "Glory" and honestly-it's probably their best song ever. The dynamics of the song are incredible, especially the end where everything drops out and the vocals yells "We Can Forgive! We Can Forgive! We Can Forgive!..."

It's amazing. In the meantime I've been listening to BROTHERS :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Emergency! No. Emergen-C!


Take Off

It's been a while since I've had any new changes in life. I've started to become an extremely dull and boring person. But that's changing-slowly but surely. Sometimes I wonder where things started to turn around for me, and when I really think about it AC changed everything. I stopped taking part in anything athletic, I stopped caring about things like "popularity", and I started standing up for who I am and what I believe.  Mostly good things came out of that (except I think I'm gonna pick up baseball...maybe.) But I need another change. So here's what I'm doing:

  • I recently bought a guitar and I'm teaching myself. I've written three songs that you would probably laugh at if you heard it (i use mostly 3 or 4 chords) but they mean something to me and I think that's all that matters.
  • I've started playing for another band called "Houses" An indie band similar to Manchester Orchestra, All Get Out, Brand New, Damien Rice, etc. ( <-- add us.)
  • Writing new stuff for Apathetic Critic-still enjoying it more than ever. Hoping to get into a studio soon.
  • I'm close to finishing school-which is just awesome.
And that's about it. So I know it's not much, But it's enough. 


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rock Starz

too cool for us now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

There's a Snake Bite in the Youth of Americas Skin

Everyone's got a hidden agenda and we're hooked in an instant
fed lies like it's nobody's business, to create a relative truth but not admit it
at the very core of our generation stands a man too proud to step down
from the soap box he preaches from, and his words seep into us
when everything becomes relative why be alive if it's the same as being dead?
and at the end of everyday, and end the end of the game, why strive to be important if life has no meaning?
And there's a world outside of these four walls, that you can't see even though you stand so tall
you can try to sneak a glimpse at what the real world is, but in the end if you're dead to me, you're dead to all real men.


narcissism |ˈnärsəˌsizəm|
• extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.

I would change the station but your signals too loud
(And you're too proud)
To realize you're a moron
Defend what you want whether it's right or wrong
And this applies to both sides of the equation
Arrogant men in power sure are frustrating
On a pedestal you hear them ranting and raving
Proudly proclaiming what they know nothing about
I hear you talkin loud but I will not allow
Tinseltown to show me how to run my life
Sure you can sing and dance but that don't mean you're qualified to give America advise

Great Music

New bands I've been listening to that you should check out:

  • M. Ward
  • The Welcome Wagon
  • Bon Iver
All three are really good. Check it out.

Boy vs. The Cynic

Don't mistake innocence for ignorance
Don't mistake purity for inexperience
Don't mistake humility for weakness
I sincerely mean this
You understand more than you know
There's no goal like peace of mind
So what else are you trying to find
What's left except regret and heartache
And yes your heart will break and go numb lots of times before this life is done
You'll look for answers but there's just one
Patience one day it will make sense
But waiting is a pinch waking you up from the worlds you've made up
The one where you dream and the one where you gave up time
To create a new atmosphere where the boy and the cynic can both play fair