Monday, May 4, 2009

Fear, Feer, Phear, Pheer

Putting Swine Flu in Perspective
7 Reasons Not to Over Worry
After a solid week of scary headlines about swine flu, it's time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and regain perspective. Here are seven points to consider:

Most swine flu cases have been mild, so far. Severe cases have been seen mainly in Mexico, for reasons that aren't yet clear. But most swine flu patients have recovered without being hospitalized.

You're not defenseless against swine flu. Simple things -- washing your hands, not touching your mouth, eyes, or nose, and trying to avoid close contact with sick people -- can go a long way toward reducing your risk.

Most swine flu cases so far have been pretty much like normal, seasonal flu. Swine flu and seasonal flu share symptoms, and spread the same way.

How much do you worry about seasonal flu? Maybe you should give garden-variety flu a little more respect. In a typical U.S. flu season, an average of 36,000 people die of flu or flu complications, and about 200,000 people are hospitalized. Swine flu hasn't come anywhere close to that.

Swine flu's future is unknown. No one knows where swine flu is headed -- for better or for worse. "You don't know if it's going to fizzle out in a couple weeks or become more or less virulent or severe in the diseases it causes," CDC Acting Director Richard Besser, MD, said on 
April 29. "If we could see into the future [that] would be absolutely wonderful, but that's not the case. That's why we're being aggressive" in seeking to limit swine flu's impact on human health.

The world is more prepared than ever. Remember bird flu? When that was the "it" virus several years ago, the global health community ramped up its pandemic preparations. As a result of that work, "the world is better prepared for an influenza pandemic than at any time in history," WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said on April 29.

Pandemics aren't all deadly." If the World Health Organization declares swine flu a pandemic, that's all about the spread of the virus -- not the severity of the illness. In the past, some pandemics have been mild, while others have been severe, notes WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl, adding that "people should act with common sense, not with panic."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today, I felt God speak. I'm not quite sure where my life is going or what I'm doing with it, but one thing that really sticks out in my mind when thinking about my future is who I'm going to be spending it with. Nikki McKechnie, my best friend in the world/girl-friend is amazing. She's been there for me for the past three years and I've been there for her the best that I can. She's everything I've been looking for and everything I need, now. The word now is a crucial word there. Personally I believe God works in seasons. There's a season of your life for everything. Nikki is what I need for this season. She may also be what I need for all the seasons to come, but if I learned anything today it's that I need to be constantly seeking to hear God speak. You can disagree with me on wether there actually is a God or not but you cannot disagree that my faith has made me a better person. So in seeking to hear God speak he will show me what direction I need to take with Nikki and wether or not it's healthy, productive, and meaningful. Today, I heard God speak.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Just chillin at Jeremy's right now. 
Ultra paranoid though because him and his mom just got over the stomach flu. I've been drinking Emergen-C like crazy. Hopefully it pays off. 
Tonight's show went surprisingly well. The fenton crowd is dope.
Now I have to sleep in a flu infested room. yayy.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I had the pleasure of hearing the new demo from SNS, "Glory" and honestly-it's probably their best song ever. The dynamics of the song are incredible, especially the end where everything drops out and the vocals yells "We Can Forgive! We Can Forgive! We Can Forgive!..."

It's amazing. In the meantime I've been listening to BROTHERS :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Emergency! No. Emergen-C!


Take Off

It's been a while since I've had any new changes in life. I've started to become an extremely dull and boring person. But that's changing-slowly but surely. Sometimes I wonder where things started to turn around for me, and when I really think about it AC changed everything. I stopped taking part in anything athletic, I stopped caring about things like "popularity", and I started standing up for who I am and what I believe.  Mostly good things came out of that (except I think I'm gonna pick up baseball...maybe.) But I need another change. So here's what I'm doing:

  • I recently bought a guitar and I'm teaching myself. I've written three songs that you would probably laugh at if you heard it (i use mostly 3 or 4 chords) but they mean something to me and I think that's all that matters.
  • I've started playing for another band called "Houses" An indie band similar to Manchester Orchestra, All Get Out, Brand New, Damien Rice, etc. ( <-- add us.)
  • Writing new stuff for Apathetic Critic-still enjoying it more than ever. Hoping to get into a studio soon.
  • I'm close to finishing school-which is just awesome.
And that's about it. So I know it's not much, But it's enough. 


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rock Starz

too cool for us now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

There's a Snake Bite in the Youth of Americas Skin

Everyone's got a hidden agenda and we're hooked in an instant
fed lies like it's nobody's business, to create a relative truth but not admit it
at the very core of our generation stands a man too proud to step down
from the soap box he preaches from, and his words seep into us
when everything becomes relative why be alive if it's the same as being dead?
and at the end of everyday, and end the end of the game, why strive to be important if life has no meaning?
And there's a world outside of these four walls, that you can't see even though you stand so tall
you can try to sneak a glimpse at what the real world is, but in the end if you're dead to me, you're dead to all real men.


narcissism |ˈnärsəˌsizəm|
• extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.

I would change the station but your signals too loud
(And you're too proud)
To realize you're a moron
Defend what you want whether it's right or wrong
And this applies to both sides of the equation
Arrogant men in power sure are frustrating
On a pedestal you hear them ranting and raving
Proudly proclaiming what they know nothing about
I hear you talkin loud but I will not allow
Tinseltown to show me how to run my life
Sure you can sing and dance but that don't mean you're qualified to give America advise

Great Music

New bands I've been listening to that you should check out:

  • M. Ward
  • The Welcome Wagon
  • Bon Iver
All three are really good. Check it out.

Boy vs. The Cynic

Don't mistake innocence for ignorance
Don't mistake purity for inexperience
Don't mistake humility for weakness
I sincerely mean this
You understand more than you know
There's no goal like peace of mind
So what else are you trying to find
What's left except regret and heartache
And yes your heart will break and go numb lots of times before this life is done
You'll look for answers but there's just one
Patience one day it will make sense
But waiting is a pinch waking you up from the worlds you've made up
The one where you dream and the one where you gave up time
To create a new atmosphere where the boy and the cynic can both play fair

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Never make a Threadless Account...

I blogged about a t shirt I didn't like on Threadless with the account I acquired there, and I got 68 comments of pure hate...I've never felt so cyber-bullied in my life...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hello. There The Angel From My Nightmare.


i think i'm gonna die...
of excitement...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've Got Friends! {Free new Manchester Orchestra song!}

"I've Got Friends" is a first glimpse at the new Manchester Orchestra album "Mean Everything to Nothing", which come out this May. The minute I heard the song I fell in love all over again with them. It's up for free download in the link above. Check it out.


I Pity The.
I Pity The Fool.
I Pity The Fool Who.
I Pity The Fool Who Believes.
I Pity The Fool Who Believes In.
I Pity The Fool Who Believes In Everything.
I Pity The Fool Who Believes In Everything You.
I Pity The Fool Who Believes In Everything You Do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dang it!

Valentines Day.
I Forgot!
...what I great guy I am.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Secretly I've always wanted to be a sketch artist. So I'm buying a sketch pad and markers. I'll probably start a blog of sketches. I love it. This guys my favorite right now:


You Gotta Fight! (For Your Right To Party)

I've been listening to a lot of Beastie Boys and Cake recently. Makes me feel so Punk. 

The band that I'm playing for, that has yet to settle on a name, just got 4 songs completely written yesterday, and it sounds really really good. A mix between Brand New and Manchester Orchestra. I'm excited. Shows are a long way a way though. Probably April or May.

This guys is awesome: Jason Yang (InvisibleElement)

Click To See More of His Work

Wednesday, January 28, 2009



It's been a while!

I've been really busy with school and stuff lately that I forgot to post anything! so... here we go.

As you all know by now, AC won the Livingston County BOTB, and honestly, I'm a little disappointed. I mean, obviously I'm excited and pleased, but I felt a very negative reaction afterwards not from anyone in particular just as a whole. I really, honestly, feel that Tiger!Tiger! deserved to win. They have so much potential and are going to go so far. I almost feel as if we robbed them of something. But I hope they know we love them, and support them in everything. 
And even though I feel they deserved it, I'm not complaining that we won. I see it as a huge blessing and I can tell that God is blessing our band. I'm excited to see where we go with all of this.

School has been hectic lately. I never thought there would be so much stress with home schooling. I've got it under control now though. We've started a new system where I have 50 minute classes and anything that doesn't get done I do at 5:00. It works.

Scott helped Ac record a new song recently, and we plan on doing more soon. they sound sick. I love being in AC. My bros are the cooliest. 

My grandpa has been writing a book for the past 5 years and he's sent it to a million different publishers. Yesterday he got a package in the mail and he thought it was going to be good news and was really excited-he opened it and it was a rejection. He was heart broken. Probably the saddest thing I've seen in a long time.

All in All things are going good for me. Nikki and I are best friends, now more than ever. I love her. She's awesome :) and no...we don't have sex. (for those who can't keep their noses out of other peoples business) 

-This Is Me.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

From Crib to Coffin

My Blood is tainted with bitterness.
I want it out, I want it out of me.
Oh, the taste of my inheritance.
How I have fallen, the hills will cover me.
You too will become weak.
You too will become weak.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Persecution-Never Felt So Good.

I hear them calling,
They're trying to drag me down.
But I will stand firm,
And I will keep my ground.

"dig your own grave"
-Apathetic Critic

I Forgot to Leave a Note.

You're always saying that I owe you one,
So lets consolidate this debt.
Get on a payment plan,
I'll pay you compliments you can still treat me bad.
And now it easy, getting easier,
to leave you and this town behind.
I'll do some traveling,
when I'm gone tell all our friends we got even.
I'm held like an object,
then set aside,
I'm back on the shelf,
I'm stuck in the drawer,
I'm mint in the box,
but you'd still sell me for cost, wouldn't you?

Broken Records Make the Best Sounds (again, and again, and again, and again...)

When ever I tell someone I'm home schooled, their immediate reaction is usually something like "Don't you get lonely?" and the answer is "yes."
In fact, I get terribly lonely. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of things that everyone else is a part of.
But here's the thing-I don't want to be a part of it. It's not so much the lack of social interaction that makes me lonely, it's the thought that every one else is interacting that makes me lonely. However, I feel that it's in those times of loneliness, that I find myself. And that's something a lot of people have yet to do. It's a constant searching too. I find myself, and then search and then find myself again. It's a never ending cycle. But not too many of you can understand it. I don't want to go to your school. I don't want to be surrounded by people who hinder my growth-in faith, in education, etc. I am content with who I am and where I'm at.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


You will not regret watching this.
The funniest TV show ever made.